Category Bean - Mura Docs v7.0

Category Bean

The category bean/object includes category-specific data. This bean/object contains information about a category itself, and does not describe any relationships to content items themselves.


The following examples illustrate how to "get" and/or "set" various attributes of the category bean/object. Use whichever syntax feels best to you.

Loading the Bean

Load a category bean/object by any of the following attributes:

  • categoryid
  • name
  • remoteid
  • filename
  • urltitle
<cfset categoryBean = m.getBean('category').loadBy(name='Mura CMS')>

Once you have a variable to reference the desired bean/object, you can use the example Getters and Setters below.




categoryBean.set('attributeName', 'someValue')
categoryBean.setValue('attributeName', 'someValue')


Use the category bean/object to access and/or manipulate a category.


The table below lists available attributes.

Attribute Description
categoryid A unique identifier for the category.
datecreated Date/time the category was created.
filename URL-friendly path of the category.
isactive Whether the category is active.
isfeatureable Whether the category is able to be featured.
isinterestgroup Whether the category is an interest group.
isnew Whether the category is new.
isopen Whether the category allows content assignments.
lastupdate Date/time the category was last updated.
lastupdateby Name of the user who last updated the category.
name Name/title of the category.
notes Notes for the category.
parentid If category is a child, the CategoryID of the parent category.
path A comma-delimited path of CategoryIDs to identify the ancestry of the category.
restrictgroups A comma-delimited list of groups allowed to assign content to the category.
siteid SiteID of the category.
urltitle URL-friendly title/name of the category.