Feed Bean - Mura Docs v7.0

Feed Bean

The feed bean/object allows developers to programmatically query Mura for other beans/objects. Initially, many developers query for content beans/objects. In essence, when you search for content items using this method, you're creating a Collection dynamically. However, you may also query for user beans/objects, and as you'll see in the Custom Objects section, any other kind of Mura object or custom object you wish.

In short, the feed bean/object to obtains a collection of beans/objects, based on desired filters/criteria.

Note: Once the feed bean/object has been populated, most developers will call either the getIterator or getQuery methods to work with the collection of beans/objects. See the Key Methods area below for details. Please visit the Mura Iterators section, for more information on iterators.


There are a couple of ways to obtain a feed bean/object, and each of those are described below.


The first way for obtaining a feed bean/object is by using the common loadBy method. When loading it this way, keep in mind you will only be working with content beans/objects.

If you wish to load an existing Collection created via Mura's Admin UI, you can load a feed bean/object by any of the following attributes:

  • feedid
  • name
  • remoteid
<cfset feedBean = m.getBean('feed').loadBy(name='{Collection Name Goes Here}')>


The primary method for obtaining a feed bean/object, is to use your desired bean's/object's getFeed method. You can either call getFeed on your desired bean/object itself, or pass in the name of the bean as an argument to the getFeed method, as shown in the examples below.

Content Feed
feedBean = m.getBean('content').getFeed();
// or
feedBean = m.getFeed('content');
User Feed
feedBean = m.getBean('user').getFeed();
// or
feedBean = m.getFeed('user');
Custom Object
feedBean = m.getBean('yourCustomObject').getFeed();
// or
feedBean = m.getFeed('yourCustomObject');


Use the feed bean/object to create, access, and/or manipulate a collection of beans/objects.

Key Methods

Since a feed bean/object is essentially an easy way to query Mura for objects, the key methods for working with feeds share a similarity with conventional SQL syntax, but in a way that's more comfortable for developers. Also, as shown in the examples below, Mura allows for method chaining. The methods below also apply to Mura ORM Feeds, and are also exposed via the Mura.js API.

Method Parameter Description
where property Analogous to SQL "WHERE" clause. If property parameter is empty, the method is used for readability purposes only. You may optionally provide a property argument, in which case Mura will treat it as andProp.
prop property Analogous to SQL "AND" clause. The property argument is the attribute to use as the left operand value of a SQL WHERE condition.
andProp property Analogous to SQL "AND" clause. The property argument is the attribute to use as the left operand value of a SQL WHERE condition.
orProp property Analogous to SQL "OR" clause. The property argument is the attribute to use as the left operand value of a SQL WHERE condition.
null n/a Analogous to SQL "IS NULL" operator. Checks if the preceding property value is null.
isEQ criteria Analogous to SQL "=" comparison operator. Checks if the preceding property value is "equal to" the criteria argument.
isNEQ criteria Analogous to SQL "<>" or "!=" comparison operator. Checks if the preceding property value is "not equal to" the criteria argument.
isLT criteria Analogous to SQL "<" comparison operator. Checks if the preceding property value is "less than" the criteria argument.
isLTE criteria Analogous to SQL "<=" comparison operator. Checks if the preceding property value is "less than or equal to" the criteria argument.
isGT criteria Analogous to SQL ">" comparison operator. Checks if the preceding property value is "greater than" the criteria argument.
isGTE criteria Analogous to SQL ">=" comparison operator. Checks if the preceding property value is "greater than or equal to" the criteria argument.
isIn criteria Analogous to SQL "WHERE IN" clause. Checks if the preceding property value is in the list of literal values that have been specified as the criteria argument. Shorthand for multiple OR conditions.
isNotIn criteria Similar to the isIn method. Checks if the preceding property value is NOT in the list of literal values that have been specified as the criteria argument. Shorthand for multiple AND x NEQ conditions.
containsValue criteria Analogous to SQL "CONTAINS" comparison operator. Checks if the preceding property value "contains" the criteria argument.
beginsWith criteria Analogous to SQL "LIKE" comparison operator. Checks if the preceding property value "begins with" the criteria argument. May use wildcards (e.g., % or _, etc.)
endsWith criteria Analogous to SQL "LIKE" operator. Checks if the preceding property value "ends with" the criteria argument. May use wildcards (e.g., % or _, etc.)
openGrouping n/a Analogous to SQL "AND (" logical operator. Creates an "AND" with a parenthesis to form complex expressions. See grouping example below.
andOpenGrouping n/a Analogous to SQL "AND (" logical operator. Creates an "AND" with a parenthesis to form complex expressions. See grouping example below.
orOpenGrouping n/a Analogous to SQL "OR (" logical operator. Creates an "OR" with a parenthesis to form complex expressions. See grouping example below.
closeGrouping n/a Analogous to SQL ")" logical operator. Creates a closing parenthesis to preceding "opening" statements for complex expressions. See grouping example below.
sort property, direction Analogous to SQL "ORDER BY" clause. Allows sorting by one or more properties, and may be returned in ascending (asc) or descending (desc) order.
itemsPerPage itemsPerPage Expects a number to set the NextN attribute of the recordset. Set to zero (0) to include all items on one page.
maxItems maxItems Analogous to SQL "TOP" or "LIMIT" clause. Used to limit the number of records to retrieve. Set to zero (0) to retrieve all records. The default setting is twenty (20) for content beans/objects.
includeHomePage boolean *Only applies to Mura content.
Set to true to include the Home Page.
showNavOnly boolean *Only applies to Mura content.
Set to true to include only content items flagged as "Include in Site Navigation".
showExcludeSearch boolean *Only applies to Mura content.
Set to true to include content items flagged as "Exclude from Site Search".
isFeaturesOnly boolean *Only applies to Mura content.
Set to true to only search for content items flagged as "Feature in this section?".
contentPools criteria *Only applies to Mura content.
A comma-delimited list of SiteIDs to search for content items.
getIterator   Returns an iterator object. Please visit the Mura Iterators section, for more information on iterators.
Note: This method is not exposed or available via the Mura.js API. Use getQuery instead.
getQuery countOnly Returns a query object. Optionally pass in the countOnly argument, to obtain only a count of the records that match your filter criteria.



Note: When using m.getFeed('content'), unless you specify otherwise, Mura will only search for content items that are active, approved, set to appear in navigation, not excluded from search results, currently on display, exclude the home page, and limited to the top 20 records.

Also, when using m.getFeed('user'), by default, Mura will only search for Site Members (isPublic=1). To search for System Users, add .setIsPublic(0) to your method chain.

prop & andProp

This example demonstrates the use of the prop and andProp methods.

feedBean = m.getFeed('content')
  .isEQ('About Us')
// Analogous SQL
FROM tcontent
WHERE title = 'About Us'
AND siteid = 'default';


This example demonstrates the use of the prop method.

feedBean = m.getFeed('content')
  .isEQ('About Us')
// Analogous SQL
FROM tcontent
WHERE title = 'About Us'
  OR title = 'News';


This example demonstrates how to obtain a feed bean/object of Mura content items. It is searching for any content where the "title" attribute is equal to "News" or "Blog" and will sort the results by title, descending.

contentFeed = m.getFeed('content')
  .sort('title', 'desc');
// Analogous SQL
FROM tcontent
WHERE title = 'News'
  OR title = 'Blog'


Returns an iterator object.

<cfset it = feedBean.getIterator()>
<!--- Loop over the iterator --->
<cfif it.hasNext()>
<cfloop condition="it.hasNext()">
<cfset item = it.next()>
  <cfdump var="#item.getAllValues()#">
<!--- Feed has no items --->


Returns a query object.

rsObjects = feedBean.getQuery();


This example demonstrates how to search more than one site for content items, under the same instance of Mura.

feedBean = m.getFeed('content')
// Analogous SQL
FROM tcontent
WHERE credits LIKE '%Steve%'
  AND siteid IN ('site1','site2','site3');

Grouping Example

This example demonstrates how to use the openGrouping, orOpenGrouping, and closeGrouping methods.

feedBean = m.getFeed('content')
// Analogous SQL
FROM tcontent
WHERE credits LIKE '%Steve%'
  AND (
  title LIKE 'Why%'
  ) OR (
  title = 'News'

Searching for Super Users

This example demonstrates how to search for "super" users. Remember, Mura only searches Site Members by default, so we have to use .setIsPublic(0) to search for System Users.

feedBean = m.getFeed('user')
  .prop('s2') // if s2=1, then they're a super user
// Analogous SQL
FROM tusers
WHERE s2 = 1
  AND ispublic = 0;

Searching for Custom Objects

This example demonstrates how to search for a custom object. See the Custom Objects section for more information.

feedBean = m.getFeed('yourCustomObject')
// Analogous SQL
FROM yourCustomObjectTable
WHERE someProperty = 'someValue';