cf_CacheOMatic Tags - Mura Docs v7.0

cf_CacheOMatic Tags

One of the easiest ways to improve the performance of your site, is to use proven caching techniques. In addition to the native caching strategies for CFML, Mura also offers a special, custom tag, <cf_CacheOMatic>, to use for expensive database transaction code, or other time-consuming CFML code that doesn't need to be executed during each request.

Using Mura's <cf_CacheOMatic> tag allows you to add data to Mura's cache. The tag only works when Site Caching is enabled, which is a great reason to use it since you can easily disable it, if necessary. 

The custom tag is located under {context}/requirements/mura/customtags/CacheOMatic.cfm if you would like to inspect the file to see how it works under the hood.

Tag Syntax

Code or data to cache.


Attribute Type Default Description
key string CGI.scriptname & CGI.query_string A unique string to associate with the specified data. Used to retrieve the cached data, when Site Caching is enabled.
timespan datetime CreateTimeSpan(0,0,30,0) The desired time period the data should be cached for before it expires. (Defaults to 30 minutes).
scope string application The desired CFML scope in which to store the data. Valid options are application, session, and server.
nocache boolean false If true, Mura will not cache the code/data contained within the tag. Useful for explicitly omitting code from being cached.
purgecache boolean request.purgecache If true, Mura will empty its cache.
siteid string request.siteid You may choose to specify an alternate SiteID to associate the cache to.


Use this custom tag to cache inline content or data within layout templates.


Using the "key" Attribute

This example uses the ContentID of the content item as the key with prefix of "page-".

<cf_CacheOMatic key="page-#m.content('contentid')#">
<h2 class="page-title">#esapiEncode('html', m.content('pagetitle'))#</h2>

Using the "nocache" Attribute

The following example demonstrates how you could use the nocache attribute to see an "un-cached" version of the output by simply appending ?nocache=true to the URL.

<p>The time is now: #LSTimeFormat(Now())#</p>

Using the "timespan" Attribute

In this example, we're setting the cache to expire in five (5) hours.

<p>The time is now: #LSTimeFormat(Now())#</p>