Content Bean - Mura Docs v7.0

Content Bean

The content bean/object includes data about a Mura content item, such as the title, summary, body, etc. In addition, there are several content-specific helper methods included. For example, you could get an iterator of any children of the content item, what specific categories the content item has been assigned to, etc.

See the Mura Scope's content subscope to access the same information when working with a content item being used in the current request.


The following examples illustrate how to "get" and/or "set" various attributes of the content bean/object. Use whichever syntax feels best to you.

Loading the Bean

You can load a content bean/object by any of the following attributes:

  • contentid
  • contenthistid
  • filename
  • remoteid
  • title
  • urltitle
<cfset contentBean = m.getBean('content').loadBy(title='Home')>

Once you have a variable to reference the desired bean/object, you can use the example Getters and Setters below.




contentBean.set('attributeName', 'someValue')
contentBean.setValue('attributeName', 'someValue')


Use the content bean/object to access and/or manipulate a content item.


The table below lists available attributes.

Attribute Description
active Whether the content item is active.
approvalchainoverride Whether to ignore approval chain, if applied.
approvalgroupid The current approval chain GroupID the content item is assigned to.
approvalstatus The approval status of the content item.
approved Whether the content item is approved.
assocfilename The name of the file of the primary associated image/file.
body The main content/body of the content item.
categoryid A comma-delimited list of CategoryIDs associated with the content item.
changesetid The ChangeSetID the specific content item version is associated with, if any.
childtemplate Default template to be applied to children, if any.
contenthistid A unique identifier for the specific version of the content item.
contentid A unique identifier for the content item.
created Date/time the content was originally created.
credits The credits field of the content item. Similar to a byline.
depth A numeric representation of number of levels deep the content item resides in relation to the "Home" page.
display Whether to display the content item.
displayinterval If "display" is set to "Per Schedule", a JSON-encoded string representing the scheduled display interval.
displaystart If "display" is set to "Per Schedule", the date/time to begin displaying the content item.
displaystop If "display" is set to "Per Schedule", the date/time to stop displaying the content item.
expires The content expiration date field of the content item.
featurestart If the content item is featured, the date/time to begin featuring it.
featurestop If the content item is featured, the date/time to stop being featured.
fileext The file extension of the primary associated image/file.
fileid The FileID of the primary associated image/file.
filename The URL to the content item, excluding the domain name.
filesize The file size of the primary associated image/file.
htmltitle The HTML Title field of the content item.
imageheight If the content item is a Folder, and imagesize is "custom" the height in pixels to use for images.
imagesize If the content item is a Folder, the pre-defined size to use for images (e.g., small, medium, large, custom, etc.)
imagewidth If the content item is a Folder, and imagesize is "custom", the width in pixels to use for images.
inheritobjects Whether the content item is inheriting display objects from an ancestor.
isfeature Whether the content item is featured in the section.
ishome Whether the content item is the "Home" page.
islocked Whether the content item is locked, if type is a file.
isnav Whether the content item should be shown in navigational objects generated by Mura.
isnew Whether the content item is new.
lastupdate The date/time the content item was last updated.
lastupdateby The name of the user who last updated the content item.
lastupdatebyid The UserID of the user who last updated the content item.
majorversion The major version number of the content item, if type is a file.
menutitle The Menu Title field of the content item.
metadesc The Meta Description of the content item.
metakeywords The Meta Keywords of the content item.
minorversion The Minor Version of the content item, if the type is a file.
mobileexclude Whether to exclude the content item from navigation objects on mobile devices.
moduleassign If content type is a Form or Component, a comma-delimited list of ModuleIDs of modules to allow the Form/Component to be used in. Essentially, the answer to the "Where would you like to use this Component?" question.
moduleid ModuleID of the content item.
newfile This is the field you set new primary associated files, when creating new content programatically.
nextn If content type is a Folder, the number of records to display on each page.
notes The Notes field of the content item.
objectparams The objectparams of the content item.
orderno The Order Number of the content item, if the parent is using "Manual" sort.
parentid The ContentID of the direct parent of the content item.
path A comma-delimited list of ContentIDs representing the ancestry of the content item.
releasedate The Official Release Date field of the content item.
remoteid A special field for developer's to use. May load the content item by this field. It does not have to be unique. Typically, used to store a unique identifier to associate the content item to an external data store.
remotepubdate A special field for developer's to use when importing or associating content to an external data store.
remotesource A special field for developer's to use when importing or associating content to an external data store. Typically, the name of the external data.
remotesourceurl A special field for developer's to use when importing or associating content to an external data store. Typically, the domain of the external data.
remoteurl A special field for developer's to use when importing or associating content to an external data store. Typically, the full URL to the external content.
restricted Whether the content item is restricted.
restrictgroups A comma-delimited list of GroupIDs to restrict access to.
searchexclude Whether to exclude the content item from Mura's search results.
siteid The SiteID the content item is associated with.
sortby If content type is Folder, which field to sort by.
sortdirection If content type is Folder, which direction to sort by.
status The Status of the content item (e.g., Published, Draft, etc.).
statusid The StatusID of the content item.
subtype Subtype of the content item.
summary The Summary field of the content item.
tags A comma-delimited list of default tags.
target Whether to open in a new browser window.
template The layout template applied directly to the content item. If empty, Mura will traverse up the tree until it locates an applied template, and if none are found or the applied template is not found, will use the default.cfm layout template.
title The main Title field of the content item.
type The type of the content item (e.g., Page, Folder, Calendar, Link, File, etc.)
urltitle The URL Title field of the content item.

Helper Methods

When working with content, the following content bean/object's helper methods may be quite useful.


Returns an iterator of categories the content item has been associated with.

<cfset it = contentBean.getCategoriesIterator()>
<!--- Loop over the iterator --->
<cfif it.hasNext()>
<cfloop condition="it.hasNext()">
<cfset item =>
  #esapiEncode('html', item.get('name'))#
<!--- Content item has not been categorized --->


Returns an iterator of categories that children of the content item have been associated with.

<cfset it = contentBean.getKidsCategoryIterator()>
<!--- Loop over the iterator --->
<cfif it.hasNext()>
<cfloop condition="it.hasNext()">
<cfset item =>
#esapiEncode('html', item.get('name'))#
<!--- No child categories exist --->


Returns an iterator of related content items.

<cfset it = contentBean.getRelatedContentIterator()>
<!--- Loop over the iterator --->
<cfif it.hasNext()>
<cfloop condition="it.hasNext()">
<cfset item =>
  <a href="#item.get('url')#">
#esapiEncode('html', item.get('title'))#
<!--- No related content items exist --->

You can also optionally pass in a specific Related Content Set name.

<cfset it = contentBean.getRelatedContentIterator(name='Related Videos')>


Returns an iterator of comments associated with the content item.

<cfset it = contentBean.getCommentsIterator()>
<!--- Loop over the iterator --->
<cfif it.hasNext()>
<cfloop condition="it.hasNext()">
<cfset item =>
  <div class="comments-datetime">
<div class="comments-text">
  #esapiEncode('html', item.get('comments'))#
  <div class="comments-author">
#esapiEncode('html', item.get('name'))#
<!--- No comments exist --->