Lists - Mura Docs v6


By default, any lists that are dynamically generated by Mura are output as Definition Lists because their ability to provide flexible, contextual groupings of information that provide multiple hooks for styling. Examples of this are found in Folders, Local Indexes, and Remote Feeds.

However, if you prefer your lists get output as Unordered Lists, you can toggle this behavior by setting the following value in your local (site-specific) contentRenderer.cfc.

<cfset this.listformat="ul">

The default setting is:

<cfset this.listFormat="dl">

In addition, if you can customize which meta data actually gets output by editing a file such as /{siteid}includes/display_objects/dsp_feed.cfm and editing the contentListFields values. Be sure to follow best practices for customizations:

<cfset variables.contentListFields="Title,Date,Image,Tags,Credits">

Finally, if you'd like to customize the actual markup of either output option, you can edit the following file, keeping best practices in mind, again.
