Author vs. Editor Roles - Mura Docs v7.0

Author vs. Editor Roles

Before you begin creating and granting/limiting "editing" privileges to any groups, it is important to understand the differences between the two primary "roles" within Mura CMS: Editor and Author.

  • Editor
    • Groups granted "Editor" permissions are able to "write" content, as well as "publish" content. This means they can create new content items, update existing content items, delete content items, and even publish content items (or, make them "live"), but only within the section(s) of the site where they have been granted these privileges.
  • Author
    • Groups granted "Author" permissions can only "write" content. This means they can create new content items, and update existing content items. However, they are unable to publish or delete content items.

In addition to these primary roles, you can also grant "Read Only" access, or even explicitly "Deny" access to any group(s) throughout the administration area.

You should keep these roles in mind when creating your groups. For example, you may have a section of your site where you want members of your "Marketing" group to be able to edit the content. However, you may not want everyone in the Marketing department to be able to have "Editor" permissions. So, instead of having a group called "Marketing", you could have a group of "Marketing Editors" and a group of "Marketing Authors", so you can segment your department to accommodate your needs.