App-Related Events - Mura Docs v7.0

App-Related Events

The events listed below are specifically related to the Mura application itself.

Analogous CFML Application Events

Event Rendered Description
onApplicationLoad   Announced in the CFML onApplicationStart method.
onGlobalSessionStart   Announced in the CFML onRequestStart method, if session management is enabled, and request.doMuraGlobalSessionStart is true.
onGlobalSessionEnd   Announced in the CFML onSessionEnd method, if session.siteid is not defined.
onSiteSessionEnd   Announced in the CFML onSessionEnd method, if session.siteid is defined.
onGlobalRequestStart   Announced in the CFML onRequestStart method.
onGlobalRequestEnd   Announced in the CFML onRequestEnd method.
onGlobalMissingTemplate   Announced in the CFML onMissingTemplate method, if siteid is not defined in the event.
onSiteMissingTemplate   Announced in the CFML onMissingTemplate method, if siteid is defined in the event.
onGlobalError   Announced in the CFML onError method, if siteid is not defined in the event.
onSiteError   Announced in the CFML onError method, if siteid is defined in the event.

Administration Events

Event Rendered Description
onBeforeAutoUpdate   Announced before performing an auto update.
onAfterAutoUpdate   Announced after the auto update has completed.
onGlobalThreatDetect   Announced if the request.remoteAddr is blocked by the Script Protection Filter. Used to help prevent Cross-Site Scripting attacks.
onAdminRequestStart   Announced at the end of the administration area's Application.cfc:setupRequest method.
onAdminRequestEnd   Announced in the administration area's Application.cfc:onRequestEnd method.
onSiteDeploy   Announced before a site is deployed.
onBeforeSiteDeploy   Announced before a site is deployed.
onAfterSiteDeploy   Announced after a site is deployed.
onAfterSiteDeployRender X Announced after a site is deployed, and will render any returned string.
onSiteCopy   Announced before a site is copied.
onBeforeSiteUpdate   Announced before a site has been updated/saved.
onBeforeSiteSave   Announced before a site has been updated/saved.
onAfterSiteUpdate   Announced after a site has been updated/saved.
onAfterSiteSave   Announced after a site has been updated/saved.
onBeforeSiteDelete   Announced before a site is deleted.
onAfterSiteDelete   Announced after a site has been deleted.
onBeforeSiteCreate   Announced before a site is created/saved.
onAfterSiteCreate   Announced after a site has been created/saved.
onBeforeSiteEmptyTrash   Announced before emptying the site trash, if session.siteid exists.
onBeforeGlobalEmptyTrash   Announced before emptying the site trash, if session.siteid does not exist.
onAfterSiteEmptyTrash   Announced after the site trash has been emptied, if session.siteid exists.
onAfterGlobalEmptyTrash   Announced after the site trash has been emptied, if session.siteid does not exist.
onBeforeChangeSetPublish   Announced before publishing a change set.
onAfterChangeSetPublish   Announced after publishing a change set.
onAfterChangeSetPublishError   Announced after publishing a change set with an error.

Administration Area Rendering Events

Event Rendered Description
onDashboardReplacement X Announced before rendering Mura's default administration area dashboard. Allows for a completely custom dashboard.
onDashboardPrimaryTop X Announced before rendering the top portion of Mura's default administration area dashboard. Allows for adding custom output above the main dashboard.
onDashboardPrimaryBottom X Announced before rendering the bottom portion of Mura's default administration area dashboard. Allows for adding custom output below the main dashboard.
onDashboardSidebarTop X Announced before rendering the top portion of Mura's default administration area dashboard's sidebar. Allows for adding custom output above the main dashboard's sidebar.
onDashboardSidebarBottom X Announced before rendering the bottom portion of Mura's default administration area dashboard's sidebar. Allows for adding custom output below the main dashboard's sidebar.
onAdminNavMainRender X Announced when rendering the main navigation in the back-end administration area. Allows developers to render additional main navigation menu items.
onFEToolbarExtensionRender X Announced when rendering the front-end editing toolbar. Allows developers to render additional front-end toolbar menu items.
onAdminHTMLHeadRender X Announced just before rendering the closing </head> tag in the administration area layout template.
onAdminHTMLFootRender X Announced just before rendering the closing </body> tag in the administration area layout template.
onAdminMFAChallengeRender X If Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is enabled, this event is announced when rendering the MFA section of the administration area's login screen.
onContentSecondaryNavRender X Announced after rendering the "Actions" navigation on the "Edit Content" screen.
on{Type}SecondaryNavRender X

Announced after rendering the "Actions" navigation on the "Edit Content" screen, based on the content/object type. For example:

  • onPageSecondaryNavRender
  • onFolderSecondaryNavRender
  • onCalendarSecondaryNavRender
  • onLinkSecondaryNavRender
  • onFileSecondaryNavRender
  • onComponentSecondaryNavRender
  • onFormSecondaryNavRender
on{Type}{Subtype}SecondaryNavRender X

Announced after rendering the "Actions" navigation on the "Edit Content" screen, based on the content/object type and subtype. For example:

  • onPageDefaultSecondaryNavRender
  • onFolderDefaultSecondaryNavRender
  • onCalendarDefaultSecondaryNavRender
  • onLinkDefaultSecondaryNavRender
  • onFileDefaultSecondaryNavRender
  • onComponentDefaultSecondaryNavRender
  • onFormDefaultSecondaryNavRender
onNewContentMenuRender X Announced after the "Select Content Type" dialog window has finished. Allows you to add to the output of the menu.
on{Type}{Subtype}NewContentMenuRender X

Announced after the "Select Content Type" dialog window has finished. Allows you to add to the output of the menu, based on content type and subtype. For example:

  • onPageDefaultNewContentMenuRender
  • onFolderDefaultNewContentMenuRender
  • onCalendarDefaultNewContentMenuRender
  • onLinkDefaultNewContentMenuRender
  • onFileDefaultNewContentMenuRender
  • onComponentDefaultNewContentMenuRender
  • onFormDefaultNewContentMenuRender


Event Rendered Description