Define with XML - Mura Docs v7.0

Define with XML

In the Define with Admin UI section, we covered creating Class Extensions, Extended Attribute Sets, and Related Content Sets using Mura's back-end administrator user interface. In addition to using the administrator's UI, Mura can parse a special XML file to create Class Extensions, as well as create custom image sizes, and more.


Whenever Mura experiences an application reload, it scans for the config.xml.cfm file, and if found, will attempt to parse the file to create any pre-defined Class Extensions and custom image sizes. As you'll see in the Mura Display Objects section and Plugin Development section, if the file is located under a display object or plugin directory, Mura uses the file to obtain various settings and information about the display object or plugin too.

Convention-Based Lookup

The config.xml.cfm file will be discovered in any theme directory, display object directory, content type directory, or plugin directory.

For example:

  • {context}/{SiteID}/includes/themes/{ThemeName}/
  • {context}/{SiteID}/includes/themes/{ThemeName}/content_types/{Type}/
  • {context}/{SiteID}/includes/themes/{ThemeName}/content_types/{Type}_{Subtype}/
  • {context}/{SiteID}/includes/themes/{ThemeName}/display_objects/{DisplayObject}/
  • {context}/plugins/{PluginName}/plugin/
  • {context}/plugins/{PluginName}/display_objects/{DisplayObject}/
  • {context}/plugins/{PluginName}/content_types/{Type}_{Subtype}/

As covered in the Mura Rendering section, you can nest additional display object directories and content type directories within each other, and Mura will automatically search for the config.xml.cfm file in those too.

Please refer to the Elements of the "config.xml.cfm" File section for details about the file itself.