Categories Permissions - Mura Docs v7.0

Categories Permissions

While Content Managers can easily categorize content, only the Admin group is able to manage Categories by default. Allowing a group to manage Categories is an "all or nothing" thing. In other words, if a group has access to manage Categories, they can create, edit, and or delete all categories.

How to Apply Permissions to Categories

To allow groups the ability to create, edit, and or delete categories, follow the steps outlined below.

  1. From the back-end administration area of Mura, select Categories from the main navigation.
  2. On the Categories screen, click the Permissions button.
  3. Select the checkbox under "Allow" for each group you wish to enable access for.
  4. Click Update, to save your changes.
  5. Users will obtain the new roles/privileges on their next successful login. So, if a user is logged in when the permissions were updated, they will have to log out, and then log back in, to see the changes.