The "themes" Directory - Mura Docs v7.0

The "themes" Directory

Every site in Mura has a "themes" directory, and it is located under {context}/sites/{SiteID}/includes/themes/. Any directories and/or files placed under this directory will not be overwritten when updating a Mura site. Within the "themes" directory, you can have as many themes as you wish.

Mura automatically checks this directory for any subdirectories. If Mura discovers any subdirectories, it uses the name of the directory as the "Theme Name" and will list it as an option for authorized administrators to apply as a theme to their site. So, the path to any site's themes would be {context}/sites/{SiteID}/includes/themes/{ThemeName}.

The MuraBootstrap3 Theme

When you first install Mura, a sample theme is provided for you. As of Mura 7.0, the MuraBootstrap3 theme is the sample provided, primarily for Mura developers to use and/or reference for their own projects. As mentioned earlier, when updating a Mura site, Mura will ignore this directory. This means that you're free to modify the default theme that comes with Mura as much as you want. It also means that anytime the default theme itself is updated by the Mura team, you will not see those changes or updates.

Mura scans for specific directories and files by naming convention, and those are identified in the listing below with an asterisk (*) within the Required column. As you'll see below, the "templates" directory is the only one that's truly required.

Directory or File Required Description
../{ThemeName}/assets/ No Typically, various front-end framework and library files, are stored here. For example, "bootstrap" and "font-awesome" directories can be found in the MuraBootstrap3 theme.
../{ThemeName}/content_types/ No* This directory, and its purpose is covered in the Mura Rendering section.
../{ThemeName}/css/ No* Mura checks this directory for a "editor" directory. If found, it then scans for a "editor.css" file. If the editor.css file is located, its styles will be included with CKEditor's styles for any HTML Editor type regions when editing content via Mura's user interface.
../{ThemeName}/display_objects/ No* This directory, and its purpose is covered in the Mura Rendering section.
../{ThemeName}/images/ No Theme-specific images are typically stored here.
../{ThemeName}/js/ No* Mura checks this directory for an "editor" directory. If found, Mura then scans for some additional directories and files for customizing the web editor. Additional information can be found under the Customizing the Web Editor section of the Theme Developer's Guide. In addition, this directory is used for storing theme-specific JavaScript files.
../{ThemeName}/resourceBundles/ No* As discuss in The "resourceBundles" Directory section, Mura offers a way to internationalize both the user interface, as well as parts of your theme. More information resource bundles, including how to customize and create your own key-value pairs, is covered in the Internationalization & Localization section.
../{ThemeName}/templates/ Yes This is the only "required" directory. This is where you create and manage your theme-specific layout templates. See Theme Layout Templates of the Theme Developer's Guide for more information.
../{ThemeName}/.gitignore No The Mura Team uses Git for distributed version control, and this is the site .gitignore file used to specify intentionally untracked files.
../{ThemeName}/config.xml.cfm No* This file contains some theme-specific configuration settings, and is covered in the Class Extensions > Define with XML section.
../{ThemeName}/contentRenderer.cfc No* Similar to the site-specific contentRenderer.cfc, this is the theme-specific contentRenderer.cfc. You can add any theme-specific rendering methods here. We'll learn more about the contentRenderer.cfc in the Mura Rendering section.
../{ThemeName}/eventHandler.cfc No* Similar to the site-specific eventHandler.cfc, this is the theme-specific eventHandler.cfc. You can add any theme-specific event handlers/listeners here. We'll learn more about Mura's request/event lifecycle in the Mura Events section.
../{ThemeName}/ No General information about the theme itself is stored in this file. It is not used by Mura.

Note:  Creating Layout Templates is covered in the Theme Developer's Guide.